Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So I'm sure you heard the news: gas is really really expensive. In other news. I'm looking for a job. I already applied to Target, and sent an e-mail to some guys about a storyboarding job, all I gotta do is send some of my work (gulp). And a job that MAY be a scam, but I'm not 100% sure. It IS craigslist, after all. But anyway. Hopefully I hear back from that third one. It pays very well... So yeah. Going house hunting tomorrow as well, and then THOR at midnight! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't know WHAT to send to those storyboarding guys...


  1. Goodluck man, hope everything works out.

  2. woah you actually enjoy storyboarding? :|

  3. Best of luck to you. And I hope the Craigslist thing doesn't lead to you parting from your kidney.

  4. I'm looking for a job too, well find something, bro!
